Wednesday 2 March 2011

The doorkeeper - part 2

Following on from Friday's blog here are some thoughts as to what might be doors into the blessing of God for people in our community:
  • Messy Church might be a door for some
  • The Green Strollers might be a door for some
  • a course, such as Stepping Stones or Christianity Explored might be a door for some
  • The Open Door cafe might be a door for some
  • The Sunday morning service, with Kids' Church, creche and youth group might be a door for some
  • The Summer mission might be a door for some
  • The Girlguiding service might be a door for some
  • A bereavement and a funeral might be a door for some
  • A Christmas or Easter card might be a door for some
  • The Guild of Friendship might be a door for some
  • The gift of flowers from the Church might be a door for some.

Actually, given a good heart in us, most of what we do can be a door for some to come into the blessing of God, into faith and into Church. Don't just sit back and expect it to happen; as the doorkeepers, we have to reach out our hands to help people through these doors.

But we can do exactly the opposite. On Sunday morning, a lady (a visitor, the grandmother of a Brownie) was in Church early; she sat at the end of a pew. Then someone else came in and wanted to sit in the same pew, so she went past the first to sit further in. Then 2 more people came and wanted to sit beside their friend, the second lady to hit the pew. The first lady let them past and stood waiting to resume her seat. Sadly, they didn't move far enough into the seat, so our first lady was left standing in the ailse for some time, till finally she moved to sit in the seat in front. People have stormed out of Churches for this kind of thing; fortunately she was fine about it. This was not done deliberately to push someone out; it was simply careless and thoughtless, but it could be the kind of experience which turns a door into a brick wall for someone.

Is there someone for whom you are a doorkeeper? Is there someone that you can help through the door into the joy of Christ?